
According to international legislation, the aim of organic food production is to help ensure a sustainable agricultural system that respects the health of soil, water, plants, and animals, and keeps the balance between those elements. It also strives to improve biological diversity and encourage more responsible use of energy and natural resources.

Our Feeling Good product line is based on innovative climate smart agricultural technologies. Eight sustainability pillars guide operations.

Ouro Verde produces delicious food that strengthens immune systems and improves the health and well-being of consumers. We value our reputation as a supplier of excellent products from Mozambique.

Organic, Fair for Life and ISO certification guarantees the social and environmental integrity of our produce. This builds a team reputation and commitment in generating quality and responsibly produced food from Mozambique that can be sustained and enjoyed by future generations.

Ouro Verde operates sustainably on less than 300 hectares of sugar cane and cashew crop lands. It has a determined diversification that brings in appropriate crops for better environmental management of soils, the health of crops and croplands for its needed renewal as well as having the constant streams of farm income. The degraded land has been restored through protection and restoration since 2012. We preserve, build high value conservation areas, and protect land areas to build nature’s own resilience in uninterrupted ecosystems “corridors” which include riverine, rivers, inselbergs, and wetlands.

We work in partnership with local cooperatives, community groups and small farmers who supply two thirds of the raw materials and earn 55% of factory sales price for the sugar and the cashews. This will allow continued increase incomes of small-scale farmers from less than one dollar a day to reach an average of eight dollars a day. We provide technical assistance, coaching and management services to assure the quality of the small farmer produce. We protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers under decent work conditions. We pay above market salaries and benefits, provide quality utility services, quality assurance and technical support which will qualify Ouro Verde producers for Fair Trade.

Ouro Verde is organically certified and free of chemicals. We do not allow any synthetic chemicals on our farms to eliminate negative effects that polluted wastewater brings to the world’s ecosystems and marine resources.

Ouro Verde is established in an area of relatively high rainfall. The small-scale production of carefully selected cane varieties greatly reduce net irrigation needs.

Ouro Verde is organically certified and free of chemicals. We do not allow any synthetic chemicals on our farms to eliminate negative effects that polluted wastewater brings to the world’s ecosystems and marine resources.

Ouro Verde is established in an area of relatively high rainfall. The small-scale production of carefully selected cane varieties greatly reduce net irrigation needs.